October Issue 2024 – There is now a promising solution available that can help make food and beverage packaging and serviceware more sustainable and reduce its impact on the environment: polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) biopolymers.
PHA is a biobased, biodegradable polymer that can be composted in a variety of environments, make it an attractive alternative for companies seeking to minimize their environmental footprint. Derived from nature, and produced sustainably, PHA can be used as building blocks to replace and improve the functional characteristics of a broad range of polymers that are used to develop food packaging and serviceware items that are on the market today.
You can access the full article at (Page 34-35): https://issuu.com/foodandbeveragemagazine/docs/fbmag_octissue24_celebcover_min?fr=sZWY1MTY0MDE4Nzg