Neat Resins
Versatile Neat Resins: Sustainable Solutions for Diverse Applications
CJ Biomaterials has the capability to sustainably produce a customized range of products from crystalline to amorphous polymer structures. We can produce crystalline, semi-crystalline and amorphous PHAs (polyhydroxyalkanoate) by modifying the P3HB and P4HB ratios of our materials. An incredibly broad range of PHA polymers is made possible by this co-monomer ratio control. Our PHAs replace fossil fuel-based polymers, delivering high-performing biodegradable and home compostable products.

Try Our Innovative Neat Resins
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aPHA Neat Resin
aPHA is a softer, more rubbery version of PHA that offers fundamentally different performance characteristics than the crystalline or semi-crystalline forms that currently dominate the PHA market. For its initial applications, aPHA will be used as a modifier to other polymers and biopolymers to improve functionality and processing characteristics and to enable these products to achieve faster rates of biodegradation or composting.
They function as a modifier, introducing faster rates of biodegradation or composting when blended with another polymer.

scPHA Neat Resin
scPHA is a semi-crystalline biopolymer and it has excellent biodegradability under anaerobic, aerobic, aquatic and compost conditions.
■ PHACT™ S1000P
PHACT S1000P is an environmentally friendly PHA. It is a 100% bio-based material derived from nature and produced sustainably. It is certified biodegradable under industrial compost, soil, and marine environments. PHACT S1000P is suitable for general compounding with other polymers. PHACT S1000P can be processed into various conversion technologies such as injection molding, film, sheet and fiber. The product is supplied in pellet form.
- 100% bio content
- FDA approved for food contact
- TUV Certified home & industrial compostable
- TUV Certified marine and soil biodegradable
- High heat stability
- Anti-hydrolysis properties